A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

019-021: Reflection and Reconstruction – The Journey of John Dehlin

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with John Dehlin, creator and founder of MormonStories.org and the Open Stories Foundation, and talk about his own evolving faith and his Mormon Stories experience.  In this …

018: Nathaniel Givens on Epistemic Humility

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to interview one of my new favorite LDS bloggers Nathaniel Givens. A friend of mine introduced me to Nathaniel’s series on the concept of Epistemic Humility that he wrote …

017: John Kesler – On Incorporating Meditation to Expand and Enrich Spiritual Experience

This week I had the pleasure of sitting down with John Kesler to hear about his conversion to the church and subsequently to eastern meditative practices years later. Lately I have been inspired by so many expressions …

016: Micah and Sarah on Our Vision for ATF

Since it’s the beginning of a new year and all, we thought it would be a great opportunity to discuss how Sarah and I became involved in the A Thoughtful Faith Podcast, and what our …

015: All Enlisted’s Kristina Monson on Wearing Pants to Church

Pantsmageddon! PantsGate! Pants-apocalypse! Whatever term you’ve used over the past week to describe the Mormon frenzy about All Enlisted’s oddly controversial “Wear Pants to Church” event, I think most of us are intrigued about what …

013-014: RationalFaiths.com’s Michael Barker on Faith Crisis and Inoculation

We have been humbled and astonished at the caliber of guests we’ve been able to have on our podcast thus far. People like Greg Prince, Margaret Young, John Sorenson, Phil Barlow, and so many others …

011-012: Neylan McBaine – The Mormon Women Project and Creating Gendered Participation

In conjunction with the Winter Issue of Exponent II, which is guest edited by the Mormon Women Project, we are proud to share Sarah Collett’s interview with Neylan McBaine. As an active and faithful Latter-Day …

010: Terryl & Fiona Givens – Faith, Doubt, and The God Who Weeps

We are proud to release Sarah Collett’s recent interview of Terryl and Fiona Givens. In this episode we are introduced to some of the beautiful themes in the Givens’ new book The God Who Weeps: …

009: Chase and Rebecca’s Story

In this fascinating interview by Sarah Collett we are introduced to Chase and Rebecca and their remarkable faith journey. Shortly after Rebecca met Chase and they were married, Rebecca made an astonishing realization of the similarities …

008: The Wisdom and Faith of Thomas Alexander

In this interview with our own Sarah Collett, Dr. Thomas G. Alexander covers the broad spectrum of his many historical writings and research. From Post Manifesto Polygamy, to Mormons in American Politics, to the Word …