A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
A Thoughtful Faith Podcast

004: The Cheeky Mormon Movie Review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Derrick Clements and Gina Colvin give a quick nod to Thor: Ragnarok and then provide a thoroughly Mormon review of Star Wars VIII.

222: Further Gendering the Temple Baptistry: Joanna Smith & Paula Baker

Mormon Temple policy doesn’t change a great deal from year to year, so the 14 December 2017 announcement that extends the rights of Baptistry officiation to 16-17-year-old boys was a surprise. While this might bring …

221: Mormon Women at Divinity School: Fatimah Salleh & Katie Langston

\It seems most unMormon for anyone to receive a call to ministry.  Mormons are supposed to wait for someone in the church to extend that call and as things stand no call for women in …

220: When Mormons need a Psychiatrist: Neuroplasticity, Scrupulosity, and Children Hoarding: Dr. Bill Bunn

Dr.Bill Bunn is a BYU psychiatrist who specializes in adolescent and young adult psychiatric disorders.  He joins me to discuss mental illness, the brain and neuroplasticity.  We also consider how scrupulosity and anxiety disorders present …

219: Growing up Tongan in Salt Lake City: Moana Uluave Hafoka

With the promise of education, social mobility and gathering in Zion, many Tongan and Samoan Mormons have made Utah their home.  But what are the challenges for Polynesians growing up in Salt Lake where wealth, …

218: Growing as an Intrafaith Marriage: Gina Colvin & Nathan McCluskey

In May 2015 Gina Colvin & Nathan McCluskey recorded a frank conversation about how faith crisis was affecting their marriage.  Two and a half years later they find that their differences are now even more …

217: How Patriarchy Hurts Men and Boys: Wendy Christian

Manhattan-based Psychotherapist Wendy Christian discusses patriarchy in the LDS Church and how this system hurts everyone including men and boys. The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work, by John Gottman & Nan Silver https://www.amazon.com/Seven-Principles-Making-Marriage-Work/dp/0553447718/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_img_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=QV161YW1NJQMHSYSN1ANThe Relationship …

216: From Mormon Missionary to Catholic Priest: Rima Tamaiparea-Puki

Tom Christofferson’s spiritual journey as a gay man took him from Mormonism, out, and back again.  Rima Tamaiparea-Puki’s spiritual journey as a gay man took him from Catholicism to Mormonism and back to Catholicism through …

215: When a Former Mormon Becomes Your Prime Minister: Reflections on Jacinda Ardern and the LDS Church in New Zealand

Ganeshji Cherian, Sarah Howard, Quintin Howard and Nathan McCluskey discuss the cultural mismatch of American Mormon culture with New Zealand culture in the wake of Jacinda Ardern’s becoming the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

214: That We May Be One: A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith and Family: Tom Christofferson

Tom Christofferson is gay and he’s Mormon.  His recently published book ‘That We May Be One’ is a touching memoir of love, loss, and faith.  We discuss the story within his story that our life’s journey …