Jenne de Normandie Eregiro Alderks was a teen convert from Unitarian Universalism. When she joined the LDS church her mother, knowing somewhat of the strict gender roles in Mormonism, asked her, ‘Can you really be a Mormon woman?’
Jenne has spent many years trying to do exactly that and her efforts to be a Mormon woman have surprisingly led her to seek feminist spiritual practices outside of the faith. This quest has taken her to temple studies, paganism and Gnosticism as supplements to her spiritual life.
One of the hallmarks of the restoration was Joseph Smith’s openness to other spiritual traditions and ideas and this seeking has been kept alive in Mormon feminism. Jenne’s spiritual seeking is part of a rich intergenerational tradition of Mormon women who quietly keep the faith’s mystical roots alive.
Jenne is one of the founders of LDS Wave and Birthing Zion. She works as a doula and lives in Seattle Washington.
Great interview! Sister Alderks, go ahead and teach, it sounds like what you will be teaching is LOST doctrine, not false doctrine.
Thank you Sean! I have a particular interest in lost doctrine and I greatly appreciate Elder Uctdorf recognizing and informing the church that the restoration is not yet over and there is still more to come.
Jenne, last fall I checked this webpage again and saw your response. I’m glad you liked my comment. I noticed though that you made reference to “Elder Uchtdorf.” Wow, your post was on 17 October 2017. What an amazing insight! Did Heavenly Mother reveal this to you? Were you even aware of what you typed?
Jenne, could you post the name of the pagan like church where you go to sing to the goddess? Because oh my goodness that sounds amazing. Do you know if they have chapters anywhere else? I live in New York City and would LOVE to find something like that.
It’s Gaia’s Temple in Seattle. I don’t think there’s anything like it the city – but let us know if you find something!
Judith Laxer of Gaia’s Temple could probably point you to someone in NYC that leads similar services. She is originally from New York so she probably knows some other earth-based pagan priestesses there.