In May 2015 Gina Colvin & Nathan McCluskey recorded a frank conversation about how faith crisis was affecting their marriage. Two and a half years later they find that their differences are now even more marked. Yet, in spite of their occupying different moral worlds, their differentiation has given rise to new and more profound ways of being in relationship with each other.
Did you have children together? You didn’t discuss that part of your marriage. Does having children together make it more difficult to get a divorce? And does having children together also make it easier to find more reasons to love each other? If you didn’t have children, would you try to make the marriage work as much? Etc…
Thanks! Loved to hear your honesty and vulnerable authenticity.
Yes, we’ve had children together. I’m not sure about children being the reason to love each other. If anything they’ve been an extra strain on our marriage! We’ve always really liked each other as friends so I think preserving our friendship has always been at the heart of our efforts to keep it together.