Rich Vial is a Republican representative in the Oregan State Legislature. He’s also a former Mormon bishop who went through a faith crisis during his tenure. In this episode, we discuss how to go about having difficult conversations with those who are ideologically and religiously different from ourselves, and how to do that with grace and compassion.
Thank you for this interview. The ability to have a civil discourse is especially important today when even the media we choose to seek it Balkanized. Thanks for your nod to J. Bonner Richie, who has also inspired me.
I would have liked Gina to push you more on issues of women and the church. Why shouldn’t women actively discuss and identify being excluded from church decision making and patriarchy in the church and not be content with go slow approach allowing the hierarchy to change? Patience as a recomendation and being spiritual enough to endure with love? The church has its part to take the matter seriously reather than excommunicate women asking the Church to inquire of the Lord.
Consider, if the prophet had a revelation today that said it was time to ordain women to all levels of priesthood leadership, what percentage of the church would accept this and voice few concerns? Most all would accept. The point is that the leadership has the power to change the culture and the rules and they are not doing so and are thus responsible.
One final point, thanks for the discussion on child sexual abuse. My request is whenever you talk Child Abuse, please provide information and resources to help victims. Encourage Victim’s and family members impacted to see a therapist who treats trauma to help them because bishops are not trained or equipped to counsel victims. Please encourage support for children’s advocacy centers and multidisciplinary response to child abuse in communities. And counsel bishops and church leaders to seek and get training on mandated reporting and privileged info.
Lastly I would like to hear his perspective on youth interviews on sexual issues.