Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Category: <span>Worship and Faith</span>

246: “There’s a world of ideas competing for access to human brains”: Souls, Brains and the Divine: Dr Michael Ferguson

Dr Michael Ferguson is a research fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, a teaching hospital for Harvard Medical School.  He works at the intersections of culture and brain.   His active research includes cognitive neuroscientific …

242: Interrupting General Conference with a Reflection on Holy Week: Bob Rees

General Conference is often scheduled at the same time as Holy Week.  While there is much in LDS History to suggest that the formal organisation of the church occurred not coincidently with Holy Week of …

233: Renewing Spiritual Practice after a Faith Deconstruction: The Lent Series

Lindsay Denton, Melissa Beh and Josh Brazier and I are members of a Lenten Study Group for Mormons.  Together we discuss the journey into renewing our spiritual practices.  We talk about  Lent and how it …