Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Category: <span>Spiritual Formation and Practice</span>

274: A Complex Spirituality: Fowler’s Stage Five: Sara Hughes-Zabawa

Sara Hughes-Zabawa and I discuss a spirituality that pays attention to both the church’s tendency to spiritually wound and spiritually enlivening. We discuss Fowler’s Stage Five in the context of spiritual practice and suggest those …

273: Advent Study: A Faithful Witness of Spiritual Change: Royleane Otteson

Royleane Otteson joins me to discuss how to be a faithful witness to another’s spiritual journey.  Using the Advent reading of Elizabeth and Zechariah as a story of community witness,  we unpack what friendship means …

271: Meditations for Advent Week Two: England and Beh

Advent marks the beginning of the Church year. Jody England Hansen and Melissa Beh join me to discuss the Way of Love as part of our Advent Study series. This week we found ourselves discussing …

266a: Fowlers Stages of Faith: Developing a Healthy Individuative-Reflective Faith: Sara Hughes-Zabawa

Sara Hughes-Zabawa returns to discuss one of the most emotionally and spiritually challenging stages in Fowler’s Stages of Faith;  the development of an Individuative-Reflective Faith.   In high demand or fundamentalist faith traditions Stage Four is poorly understood and often …

262: Let Us Worship How We May: Bradley Burgess

LDS sacrament meetings are a mostly low church but without the possibility of variation or innovation – anywhere in the world.  And it’s been that way for decades. Bradley Burgess a convert to the LDS …

250: Living Honestly with Mormonism’s Past and Present: Brian Whitney

Brian and Gina discuss the complexity of the experience of Mormonism when confronted with eyes wide open to both its past, its present and its changing contexts.   Brians’ Website:  Mormonism in Context  

243: Listening For God: Prof. Nancy Ross

“There’s no point at which we can say, ‘I’ve got it.’   Always and forever, mystery gets you.  Our searching for God is a search for symbols, analogies and metaphors.  All theological language is an approximation, offered tentatively in holy awe.  That’s the best human language can achieve.

We must, absolutely must, maintain a fundamental humility before the great mystery.  If we do not, religion always worships itself and its formulations, and never God.”

So says Fr. Richard Rohr, and thus contemplates art historian and medievalist Professor Nancy Ross.  Nancy reflects on the place of art as an approximation of the Christian faith in the West.  She offers a heartfelt reflection on how art has shaped her own understandings of the divine and her faith development.

237: Finding Jesus All Over Again: Hagen & Otteson: The Lent Series

Faith change or Impasse is often met with a resistance to our early life stories of the Divine. In this Lent series episode #3 Katie Hagen and Steve Otteson talk about rediscovering Jesus, finding new …

233: Renewing Spiritual Practice after a Faith Deconstruction: The Lent Series

Lindsay Denton, Melissa Beh and Josh Brazier and I are members of a Lenten Study Group for Mormons.  Together we discuss the journey into renewing our spiritual practices.  We talk about  Lent and how it …

228: Mormons and Meditation: Thomas McConkie

Mindfulness teacher; author of ‘Navigating Mormon Faith Crisis’,  and Founder of the Lower Lights Sangha, Thomas McConkie,  joins Gina to discuss contemplative Mormonism and some of the spiritual practices that are attached to the contemplative …