Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Category: <span>Podcasts</span>

311: The General Conference Fall-Out: Sara Hughes-Zabawa and Carrie Salisbury

For most Mormons, General Conference is a happy interruption to the general business of running their stakes and wards.  Twice a year members get to take a couple of days off from running things in …

310: Brigham Young, ‘I don’t care about my character on Earth!’: Dr David Vaughn Mason

What kind of claim does the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have to the proposition that they are a faithful continuation of the church Joseph established?  What kind of character was Brigham Young …

309: ‘OWL’ Rethinking Sex and Sexuality Education: Dr Melanie Davis

The perennial question is where, how and what do we teach our children about sex and sexuality? What is appropriate, and what isn’t? Additionally, those who have come from orthodox faith traditions are often on …

308: Singing of Zion to a Kingdom People: Andrew Bolton

Those who grew up in the Restoration tradition will be familiar with the songs of Zion;   That place where God and community meet.  But, despite his original intentions Joseph Smith was corrupted by his ‘Kingdom’ …

307: Nick Literski: Spiritually Fulfilled (and Gay)

Nick Literski discusses the many and varied ways that he has found a vibrant spiritual life after leaving active involvement as a family man in the LDS Church.   It has surprised and delighted him that …

306: What About the Straight Wife?: Understanding the Women’s Experience in Mixed-Orientation Marriage: Debra Brown Gordy

After Debra Brown Gordy (President-Elect of the Mormon Mental Health Association) discovered that her husband, a BYU Professor, was gay her world fell apart.   They tried to keep the marriage together but it wasn’t to …

305: Ministering to the Dying: An Introductory Guide for the Layperson: Sue Bergin

How can our service to the dying be improved?  What pastoral practices are helpful in order to help our loved ones or those to whom we’ve been called to minister pass away in peace? Sue …

304: A Faithful Response to the Sins of Church and State – Christian Anarchism: Alexandre Christoyannopoulos

Alexandre Christoyannopolous is a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Loughborough University.   He’s of French and Greek parentage and without a religious upbringing arrived out of curiosity at the door of Christian anarchism …

303: Why Theological Training?: Dr Matt Frizzell

Dr Matt Frizzell (former Dean of the Graceland University Seminary) and I get deep and animated about Restoration theology. Theological conversations by their very nature are porous, expansive and self-reflexive.   Theology is all about breathing …

302: FLDS, Section 132 & The Handmaid’s Tale: Brenda Nicholson

Brenda Nicholson joins me to discuss the social life of women in the FLDS church where she grew up under Rulon and Warren Jeffs.   She’s since left the sect and fiercely argues that there is …