Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Category: <span>Podcasts</span>


Ownership—the legal right of possession. When I was in high school I worked in the mall in an earring shop. I am sure that my aversion to going into Claire’s with my nearly-10-year-old-daughter has something …

037-038: Rebecca Maesato: Faith and A Road Less Traveled

In 2001 Rebecca Maesato founded a non-profit organization: Foundation for Children in Need. She and her two daughters traveled to Haiti in 2002 to work in orphanages and among the neediest children in the world. This began a …

033-036: Andrea Radke-Moss on Mormon Women’s History and Gender Equality

This is an installment of A Thoughtful Faith that has been a long time in the making. I made contact with Andrea Radke-Moss shortly after we launched the podcast, and we recorded the first part …

031-032: James McConkie: Family, Faith, and the Historical Christ

Jay Griffith and I had the chance to sit with James (Jim) W. McConkie and speak to him about his personal history and family. As a nephew of Bruce R. McConkie and Joseph B. Wirthlin, …

030: Feminism Wants What You Want

I recently had the privilege of hearing one of the most concise, respectful, and thoughtful explanations and approaches to Mormon Feminism through this brilliant podcast by our friends at the Feminist Mormon Housewives Podcast. If …

029: Cognitive Dissonance and Faith Transition

The theory of Cognitive Dissonance is a well-established concept in the field of psychology that explains why we all experience discomfort and anxiety when we are exposed to new ideas and beliefs or engage in …

027-028: Brian C. Hales on Joseph Smith’s Polygamy

I had the privilege of speaking with Brian Hales about his upcoming three-volume history of Joseph Smith’s Polygamy, published by Greg Kofford Books. Brian is a practicing anesthesiologist, author and scholar of Mormon History, with …

023-026: John Gustav-Wrathall – Story of a Gay, Legally Married, Active Latter-Day Saint

We are incredibly excited to feature this fascinating interview by Daniel Parkinson at Gay Mormon Stories Podcast of John Gustav-Wrathall. John shares his amazing story, including his LDS upbringing, his wrestling with his sexual identity, …

022: Bob Rees – Forgiving the Church and Loving the Saints

Bob Rees and I recorded this interview a little while ago. I’ve been holding on to it, hoping to release it to our audience at the right moment. This past week I re-listened to our …

019-021: Reflection and Reconstruction – The Journey of John Dehlin

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with John Dehlin, creator and founder of and the Open Stories Foundation, and talk about his own evolving faith and his Mormon Stories experience.  In this …