Conversations about the religious and spiritual life on the other side of fundamentalism
Category: <span>Faith Development</span>

237: Finding Jesus All Over Again: Hagen & Otteson: The Lent Series

Faith change or Impasse is often met with a resistance to our early life stories of the Divine. In this Lent series episode #3 Katie Hagen and Steve Otteson talk about rediscovering Jesus, finding new …

236: Hope and Change for the Church: Is it all worth it? Jana Spangler and Peter Bleakley

In this episode, Jana Spangler (Salt Lake City) and Peter Bleakley (London) have a hard conversation about what is troubling the LDS Church and they seek to grapple with these questions:   Is there any hope …

231: Revisiting Fowler’s Stages from 0-6: Stage 0-1: Sara Hughes-Zabawa

In thinking about Fowler’s stages model, adults don’t tend to discuss the childhood phases.  Yet, we all have parts of each stage present in us, whether some have been mostly passed through, and others are …

225: Finding a Faithful Leadership Response to Faith Crisis: Richard Tenney & Ganesh Cherian

Two former Bishops, who have both experienced a faith crisis, respond to the question:  ‘How can LDS leaders behave more sensitively and with more wisdom to those experiencing a faith crisis?’

224: January Homily: Divine Absence: Gina Colvin

The 2018 A Thoughtful Faith Podcast theme is ‘Faithful Change.’  Every month we provide a Homily, a meditation on spiritual matters.  For January Gina shares a reflection on Divine Absence.

215: When a Former Mormon Becomes Your Prime Minister: Reflections on Jacinda Ardern and the LDS Church in New Zealand

Ganeshji Cherian, Sarah Howard, Quintin Howard and Nathan McCluskey discuss the cultural mismatch of American Mormon culture with New Zealand culture in the wake of Jacinda Ardern’s becoming the Prime Minister of New Zealand.

204: Civil Dialogue in Difficult Times: Rich Vial

Rich Vial is a Republican representative in the Oregan State Legislature.  He’s also a former Mormon bishop who went through a faith crisis during his tenure.  In this episode, we discuss how to go about …

203: Still on the Pews: A Heart to Heart: Gina Colvin and Bill Reel

Gina Colvin and Bill Reel (host of the popular podcast Mormon Discussions)  get together for a chat about what it takes to still be engaged in the LDS Church when so many of their friends …

202: Stages of Faith, God and Church: What to do when things change: Pastor Alan Jamieson

Dr Alan Jamieson is the senior pastor at the South West Baptist Church in Christchurch, New Zealand.  He is an author of multiple books on faith development. He took an interest in why people leave …

201: Ministering to Those In Faith Crisis: Bishop Matt Jones

  LDS Bishops are at the front line as Mormons facing their own questions, concerns and doubts seek their counsel.   Too often these local leaders surmise that the person expressing doubt must have done …