What happens to Easter when a member of the LDS Church Alumni Association can no longer believe in one of Christianity’s greatest stories? What happens when there’s too much religious hurt caused by an emphasis on literalism and religious authority that made about 150 too many supernatural claims that became tests of fellowship? Could Easter ever offer hope again?
This episode is for those who find themselves in this sometimes lonely corner of the Christian world where there’s still faith even when literal belief in Christianity’s more persistent supernatural claims are no longer.
Brava Gina
Beautifully expressed. I struggle to give meaning to stuff I no longer believe in but still value.
I really loved this piece. As a practicing but mostly non-believing Mormon, I have spent decades walking a path that embraces both orthopraxy and heterodoxy. I gave this talk in a sacrament meeting, so the meaning is a bit more veiled than yours: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1blsNSNNszKPaaKiHrz3ua7su7snq2CUNzCXT5jt6vxU/edit?usp=sharing