Alexandre Christoyannopolous is a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Loughborough University. He’s of French and Greek parentage and without a religious upbringing arrived out of curiosity at the door of Christian anarchism and ended up writing his PhD thesis on the topic.
Alex’s book, ‘Christian anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel’ brings some of the most important thinkers together in one volume. Alex’s book highlights the underlying revolutionary intention of the gospels that gets so lost in the business, ideologies, and the financial exchanges of the church.
Alex joins me to discuss the radical character of the Jesus Way that has shaped Christian Anarchist thinking.
I loved this episode. I think the topic of Jesus as a radical is often brushed aside at Church. Thanks for sharing and inviting me to think on this aspect of Christlike living.
Yes. It cuts the dead parts away doesn’t it!
I suppose we all ought to be anarchists then.
I think we need to constantly challenge our institutions gently nudging them in the right direction.
As we all nudge together we will head in the right direction.
It really all snowballs from there.