In this episode, we look at child abuse from the perspective of prevention. My guest is Gwen Knight, the executive director of Prevent Child Abuse Utah.
According to Prevent Child abuse Utah, its mission is to forge and guide a community commitment to prevent child abuse in all of its forms. In Utah one in five children will be sexually abused before the age of 18, suggesting the issue of child abuse in the Beehive state is epidemic.
Gwen Knight joins me for a very pragmatic discussion about what child abuse is in all of its forms and varieties, what to notice, and how to respond when you suspect it.
Has not Sam testified of the wrongs of what have occurred from asking CHILDREN sexually explicate questions? Yea, he has boldly, and what was the LDS / Brighamite cDevilhurch done in response, they want to cast him out, and have said Sam Young is of the and will not get back in his place where he belongs and we need to remove him from our ranks. All while at the same time protecting the one on the right of the picture. Who had his books sell in Deseret Book until recently as the LDS / Brighamite church trying to hide or be secret about what is going on. I have never read any of his books, but I can speculate it would of had things that mostly tickled peoples ears, especially considering he has not had the baptism of fire or if he once did he has lost it because of his sins and crimes against God and the people. A repentant man will confess of his sins, not hide behind the law or lawyers. Now also take a look at which man the LDS / Brighamite church is supporting and which one they are forsaking. To me this is a very dirty rotten fruit of theirs.