LDS sacrament meetings are a mostly low church but without the possibility of variation or innovation – anywhere in the world. And it’s been that way for decades.
Bradley Burgess a convert to the LDS Church from South Africa, is a graduate of the Yale Institute of Sacred Music. A professional organist and church musician, Bradley currently serves as the full-time Associate Director of Music and Worship Arts at a large North Carolina Methodist Church. He joins me to discuss his hope for an ecumenical model of LDS worship that draws on the best of other Christian traditions.
Bradley’s post at By Common Consent
I may have to listen to this more intently to reap the valuable information share within it.
I’m one of the people that likes our church the way it is, if changes were to take place… I’m more open with that happening in the temple.
As an inactive member who has found a home (for now) in the Episcopal church and an aspiring organist, I was very interested in this discussion. Since attending the Episcopal church, I have really developed a love for various means of worship that may feel foreign to TBMs. In my view, Holy week is the most glaring deficiency. I really love Holy week ending in the celebration of Easter; Stations of the cross, Seder dinner, Good Friday, etc.
I was hoping to hear more of his organ music. It was so soft in the podcast that I couldn’t really hear it at all (at least while listening in my car.) It would have been nice to hear the Bach fugue as the outro music in full volume.
Thanks for the interesting discussion.