Few institutions are more equipped to peek in on the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with more understanding, sympathy and even critique than the Community of Christ. They too have been dealing with the same history with which the Mormons have been struggling. But they are a generation or two ahead of the Mormons, suffering the natural convolutions and troubles that come from any institutional reckoning. As a result, they know what it means to pay the price for, but to enjoy the spiritual liberation that comes from squaring up to your tradition’s past sins.
Andrew Bolton, a former apostle of the Community of Christ, joins me to discuss ‘the problem of Nauvoo.’
Andrew Bolton is always a breath of fresh air.
Almost didst thou made me to become a member of the Community of Christ.
Your perspectives complement mine own so well, you feel like the missing piece in the puzzle of life I have been trying to collect.
So many great insights:
LDS Church was Brigham’s but Community of Christ was Emma’s.
Joseph fell like King David under the corruption of wielding too much power.
Honest History allows us to see the darkness in our history but it also allows us to see the darkness of our lives too.
The importance of the worth of souls, and how affirming it is to have the idea that we can become God’s. Which is a departure of the Trinitarian doctrine which I never really cared much for anyways.
Joseph wanted to restore the Ancient Order and Sidney the New Testament Order.
Book of Mormon NT Gospel… yes so many thoughts. Normally I don’t spell it all out, but this time I did want to do that.
And how can I forget:
‘You bring out a level of frankness in me Gina, that worries me…’
Thank goodness she doesn’t conduct John Dehlin length like interviews.
Imagine how many beans people would spill?
One more point to this podcast that I like.
How what we think what is plausible affects are beliefs and interactions with the divine.
If we no longer believe in the ministering of angels, how can we easily accept the first vision.
As a former Catholic believing in angel visitation is or was a given, so it isn’t that hard to believe in an Angel Moroni.
But what does that do to us if we no longer believe these things as possible.
What is the song played at the end? I really like it!
It’s one of my son’s bands, Roots Rising ‘Struggle and Fight’
Gina –
This comment is way, way overdue. I have been meaning to comment on your podcast for a few years now. What you are doing has meant so much to me and has made a profound impact upon my life. I would very much like to formally thank you for your wonderful insight, your keen mind, and your willingness to pursue this work. I am a recently released LDS Bishop (a couple of months ago) and I have been going through a faith transition for a few years now. I hold many of the same views and perspectives that you do and I find it so validating to listen to this podcast. I have been in my car in tears listening to some of these episodes.
These last few episodes have been great and this was one of the best. I really enjoyed Andrew and his frankness. I am intrigued with the Community of Christ – and I feel that my current views align with theirs on most fronts. As my testimony and understanding of Christ and pastoral care deepened, I became more and more dissatisfied with the church and its policies and practices. I saw and am still seeing (more so lately) the lack of Christ’s image in the Mormon church. I am deeply disaffected with the big “C” corporate LDS church and its leadership and your description of current LDS leadership at the beginning of this episode was so perfect – I laughed out loud when I heard it. I could not put it better myself.
Please let me know if we could connect and talk at some point – I would welcome that. Thanks again!
I would love to have a chat with you Mike! Email me!